Masatoshi Miyazawa Web Page
@Rosalie Peak, Colorado, USA

Lists by Google Scholar Citations

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Publications (peer-reviewed papers)

  1. Qwana, C.L., Miyazawa, M. & Mori, J. (2023). Source mechanisms and triggering process for the April 12th and 13th, 2014 earthquake doublet in the Solomon Islands. Earth Planets Space, 75, 99. (student first-author)
  2. Miyazawa, M., Kiuchi, R. & Koketsu, K. (2022). Attenuation Characteristics of High-Frequency Ground Motions from Local Sources Caused by Great Subduction Zone Earthquakes in Northeast Japan. Seism. Res. Lett., 93(5), 2686-2699.
  3. Miyazawa, M., Brodsky, E.E., & Guo, H. (2021). Dynamic earthquake triggering in Southern California in high resolution: intensity, time decay, and regional variability. AGU Advances, 2 e2020AV000309.
  4. Miyazawa, M. & Santoyo, M.A. (2021). Tectonic tremors in the Northern Mexican subduction zone remotely triggered by the 2017 Mw8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake. Earth Planets Space, 73:6.
  5. Fukushima, Y., Hashimoto, M., Miyazawa, M., Uchida, N., & Taira, T. (2019). Surface creep rate distribution along the Philippine fault, Leyte Island, and possible repeating of Mw~6.5 earthquakes on an isolated locked patch, Earth Planets Space, 71:118,
  6. Miyazawa, M. (2019). Erratum: Bayesian approach for detecting dynamically triggered very low-frequency earthquakes in the Nankai subduction zone and application to the 2016 Mw5.9 off-Kii Peninsula earthquake, Japan, Geophys. J. Intl., 218, 977-977, doi:10.1093/gji/ggz218.
  7. Miyazawa, M. (2019). Bayesian approach for detecting dynamically triggered very low-frequency earthquakes in the Nankai subduction zone and application to the 2016 Mw5.9 off-Kii Peninsula earthquake, Japan, Geophys. J. Intl., 217, 1123-1140, doi:10.1093/gji/ggz073.
  8. “c‘º—”[E‹{àV—–« (2017). 2011”N3ŒŽ15“úɪŒ§“Œ•”’nk(Mj6.4)‚Ì’x‚ê—U”­‰ß’ö‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚錤‹†, ’nk, 69, 99-111, doi:10.4294/zisin.69.99. (w/ English abstract and figures) (student first-author)
  9. Yamaguchi, M., M. Kurata, and M. Miyazawa (2017). Building damage estimates using slowness change in propagating waves, Journal of Structural Engineering, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001683. (student first-author)
  10. Miyazawa, M. (2016). An investigation into the remote triggering of the Oita earthquake by the 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake using full wavefield simulation, Earth Planets Space, 68, 205, doi:10.1186/s40623-016-0585-z. (Highlighted paper)
  11. Miyazawa, M. (2015). Seismic fatigue failure may have triggered the 2014 Mw7.9 Rat Islands earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 2196-2203, doi:10.1002/2015GL063036. [DL from Kyoto Univ. Research Information Repository]
  12. ŽRŒû^–îŽqC‘q“c^GC‹{àV—–«C–ìàV‹M (2014). |\‘¢œ‘g‚Ì‘¹“x‚Æ“`”d”g‚Ì“ž’B’x‰„F”÷“®‹L˜^‚Ö‚Ì’nk”gŠ±Â–@‚Ì“K—pC\‘¢HŠw˜_•¶WCVol.60BCpp. 281-288. (student first-author)
  13. Yukutake, Y., M. Miyazawa, R. Honda, M. Harada, H. Ito, M. Sakaue, K. Koketsu, and A. Yoshida (2013). Remotely triggered seismic activity in Hakone volcano during and after the passage of surface waves from the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 373, 205-216, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.05.004.
  14. Miyazawa, M. (2012). Detection of seismic events triggered by P-waves from the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 64, 1223-1229, doi:10.5047/eps.2012.07.003.
  15. Miyazawa, M. (2011). Propagation of an earthquake triggering front from the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L23307, doi:10.1029/2011GL049795. [DL from Kyoto Univ. Research Information Repository]
  16. Kato, A. et al. (2011). Anomalous depth dependency of the stress field in the 2007 Noto Hanto, Japan, earthquake: Potential involvement of a deep fluid reservoir, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L06306, doi:10.1029/2010GL046413.
  17. Miyazawa, M. and J. Mori (2010). Reply to "Comment on 'Test of seismic hazard map from 500 years of recorded intensity data in Japan' by Masatoshi Miyazawa and Jim Mori" by Celine Beauval, Pierre-Yves Bard, and John Douglas. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100(6), 3332-3334, doi:10.1785/0120100158.
  18. Miyazawa, M. and J. Mori (2009). Test of seismic hazard map from 500 years of recorded intensity data in Japan. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 99(6), 3140-3149, doi:10.1785/0120080262.
  19. Note on intensity scale

  20. Snieder, R., M. Miyazawa, E. Slob, I. Vasconcelos, and K. Wapenaar (2009). A comparison of strategies for seismic interferometry, Surv. Geophys., 30(4-5), 503-523, doi:10.1007/s10712-009-9069-z.
  21. Enescu, B., J. Mori, M. Miyazawa, and Y. Kano (2009). Omori-Utsu law c-values associated with recent moderate earthquakes in Japan, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 99(2A), 884-891, doi:10.1785/0120080211.
  22. Iio, Y., T. Shibutani, S. Matsumoto, H. Katao, T. Matsushima, S. Ohmi, F. Takeuchi, K. Uehira, K. Nishigami, M. Miyazawa, B. Enescu, I. Hirose, Y. Kano, Y. Kohno, K. Tatsumi, T. Ueno, H. Wada, Y. Yukutake (2009). Precise aftershock distribution of the 2004 Mid-Niigata prefecture earthquake--Implication for a very weak region in the lower crust, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 172(3-4), 345-352, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2008.10.014.
  23. Miyazawa, M., E. E. Brodsky, and J. Mori (2008). Learning from dynamic triggering of deep low-frequency tremor in subduction zones, Earth Planets and Space, 60, e17-e20. doi:10.1186/BF03352858. [correction]
  24. Miyazawa, M., R. Snieder, and A. Venkataraman (2008). Application of seismic interferometry to extract P and S wave propagation and observation of shear wave splitting from noise data at Cold Lake, Canada, Geophysics, 73(4), D35-D40, doi:10.1190/1.2937172. (Journal bright spot)
  25. Miyazawa, M., A. Venkataraman, R. Snieder, and M. A. Payne (2008). Analysis of micro-earthquake data at Cold Lake and its applications to reservoir monitoring, Geophysics, 73(3), O15-O21, doi:10.1190/1.2901199.
  26. Miyazawa, M. and E. E. Brodsky (2008). Deep low-frequency tremor that correlates with passing surface waves, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B01307, doi:10.1029/2006JB004890.
  27. Enescu, B., J. Mori, and M. Miyazawa (2007). Quantifying early aftershock activity of the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake (Mw6.6), J. Geophys. Res., 112, B04310, doi:10.1029/2006JB004629.
  28. Miyazawa, M., A. Venkataraman, R. Snieder, and M. A. Payne (2007). Analysis of micro-earthquake data at Cold Lake and its applications to reservoir monitoring, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 26, 1266-1270, doi:10.1190/1.2792734.
  29. Kanamori, H., M. Miyazawa, and J. Mori (2006). Investigation of the earthquake sequence off Miyagi prefecture with historical seismograms, Earth Planets and Space, 58, 1533-1541, doi:10.1186/BF03352657.
  30. ”Ñ”ö”\‹v, ¼–{‘, ¼“‡Œ’, A•½Œ«Ži, •Ð”ö_, ‘匩Žm˜N, àF’J‘ñ˜Y, ’|“à•¶˜N, ¼ã‹Ô–ç, Bogdan Enescu, œA£ˆê¹, ‰Á”[–õ”V, ˜Ô“c–L, ‹{àV—–«, ’CŒÈŒ«ˆê, ˜a“c”Ž•v, ‰Í–ì—TŠó, ¥‰i«G, ã–ì—FŠx, s’|—m•½(2006). 2004”NVŠƒ’†‰z’nk‚Ì”­¶‰ß’ö, ’nk, 58, 463-475.
  31. Miyazawa, M. and I. Nakanishi (2006). Scattering of waves in elastic media containing passive and active cracks, Geophys. J. Int., 165, 658-667, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.02952.x.
  32. Miyazawa, M. and J. Mori (2006). Recorded maximum intensity maps in Japan from 1586 to 2004, Seism. Res. Lett., 77, 154-158, doi:10.1785/gssrl.77.2.154.
  33. Miyazawa, M. and J. Mori (2006). Evidence suggesting fluid flow beneath Japan due to periodic seismic triggering from the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L05303, doi:10.1029/2005GL025087.
  34. Miyazawa, M., J. Mori, Y. Iio, T. Shibutani, S. Matsumoto, H. Katao, S. Ohmi, and K. Nishigami (2005). Triggering sequence of large aftershocks of the mid Niigata prefecture, Japan earthquake in 2004 by static stress changes, Earth Planets and Space, 57, 1109-1113, doi:10.1186/BF03351890.
  35. Miyazawa, M., I. Nakanishi, Y. Sudo, and T. Ohkura (2005). Dynamic response of frequent tremors at Aso volcano to teleseismic waves from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 147, 173-186, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.03.012.
  36. Shibutani, T., Y. Iio, S. Matsumoto, H. Katao, T. Matsushima, S. Ohmi, F. Takeuchi, K. Uehira, K. Nishigami, B. Enescu, I. Hirose, Y. Kano, Y. Kohno, M. Korenaga, Y. Mamada, M. Miyazawa, K. Tatsumi, T. Ueno, H. Wada, and Y. Yukutake, (2005). Aftershock distribution of the 2004 Mid Niigata prefecture earthquake derived from a combined analysis of temporary online observations and permanent observations, Earth, Planets and Space, 57, 545-549, doi:10.1186/BF03352590.
  37. Miyazawa, M. and J. Mori (2005). Detection of triggered deep low-frequency events from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L10307, doi:10.1029/2005GL022539. (AGU Journal Highlight)
  38. Miyazawa, M. and M. Kato (2004). On interpolation functions in traveltime tomography, Geophys. J. Int., 158, 169-178, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02287.x.

Research activities

A short column on my research activities has appeared in "Research Frontiers", Kyoto University Research Activities Vol.3 No.1.


  1. ‹{àV—–« (2015). ’nk’²¸Œ¤‹†„i–{•”’nk’²¸ˆÏˆõ‰ï‚Ì•ø‚¦‚é‰Û‘è‚Æ¡Œã‚Ì“W–], ’nk’²¸Œ¤‹†„i–{•”20”N‚ÌŽ‘—¿W, 126-131.(’nk’²¸Œ¤‹†„i–{•”20”NŽü”N“Á݃y[ƒW)
  2. ‹{àV—–« (2012). ‚킪‘‚Ì’nk—\’m‚ð‚ß‚®‚錤‹†‚Æ‚»‚̉ۑè, “dŸ†•]˜_, 97Šª, 7ŒŽ†, 48-53.(DL)
  3. ‹{àV—–« (2012). ŽRè’f‘w‚É‚¨‚¯‚éƒgƒ‰ƒtƒBƒbƒNƒmƒCƒY‚ð—p‚¢‚½’nk”gŠ±Â–@‚Ì“K—p, ‹ž“s‘åŠw–hÐŒ¤‹†Š”N•ñ, No.55B, 141-144. (DL)
  4. ‹{àV—–« (2012). ’nkŠw‚̃Rƒ“ƒZƒ“ƒTƒXC’nkŠw‰ïƒ‚ƒmƒOƒ‰ƒt, Vol.1, 91-94. [DL]
  5. ‹{àV—–« (2011). ‚Ђ¸‚Ý‚ÌŽûŽx‚ªŽ¦´‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚½‹‘å’nk, ‰ÈŠw, Vol.81, No.10, 1068-1070. [‘S•¶]
  6. ‹{àV—–« (2009). [•”’áŽü”g”÷“®‚Ì“®“IƒgƒŠƒKƒŠƒ“ƒO (Dynamic triggering of deep low-frequency tremor), ’nk—\’m˜A—‰ï‰ï•ñ, 82Šª, 524-527. (—\’m˜A‰ï•ñ82Šª, DL)
  7. Miyazawa, M. (2007). Stochastic approach for obtaining seismic wave paths in random heterogeneous media, Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., No.50B, 259-268. (DL)
  8. ŽðˆäTˆê‚Ù‚©(2007). •½¬19”Ni2007”Nj”\“o”¼“‡’nk‡“¯—]kŠÏ‘ª, ’nkŒ¤‹†Šœb•ñ, 82, 225-233.
  9. ‹àX”Ž—YE‹{àV—–«EJim Mori (2006). ŒÃ‚¢’nk”gŒ`‹L˜^‚ð—p‚¢‚½ˆê˜A‚Ì‹{錧‰«‚Ì’nk‚Ì”äŠr (Investigation of the Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake Sequence with Old Seismograms), ’nk—\’m˜A—‰ï‰ï•ñ, 75Šª(165-166), 590-592. (—\’m˜A‰ï•ñ75Šª, DL)
  10. ”Ñ”ö”\‹vE¼–{‘E•Ð”ö_E¼“‡Œ’E‘匩Žm˜NEàF’J‘ñ˜YE’|“à•¶˜NEA•½Œ«ŽiE¼ã‹Ô–çE‹{àV—–«EEnescu BogdanEœA£ˆê¹E‰Á”[–õ”VE‰Í–ì—TŠóE’CŒÈŒ«ˆêEã–ì—FŠxE˜a“c”Ž•vEs’|—m•½ (2006). 2004”NVŠƒŒ§’†‰z’nk‚Ì”­¶‰ß’ö, ŒŽŠ§’n‹…†ŠO, 53, 217-222.
  11. Miyazawa, M. and J. Mori (2005). Historical maximum seismic intensity maps in Japan from 1586 to 2004: Construction of database and application, Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., No.48C, 133-142. DL (410KB)
  12. ”Ñ”ö”\‹vE¼–{‘E•Ð”ö_E¼“‡Œ’E‘匩Žm˜NEàF’J‘ñ˜YE’|“à•¶˜NEA•½Œ«ŽiE¼ã‹Ô–çE Bogdan EnescuEœA£ˆê¹E‰Á”[–õ”VE‰Í–ì—TŠóE¥‰i«GE˜Ô“c–LE‹{àV—–«E’CŒÈŒ«ˆêEã–ì—FŠxE˜a“c”Ž•vEs’|—m•½ (2005). 2004”NVŠƒŒ§’†‰z’nk‚Ì”­¶‰ß’ö, ‹ž“s‘åŠw–hÐŒ¤‹†Š”N•ñCNo.48A, 165-170. DL (400KB)
  13. ‹{àV—–« (2005). •Ÿ‰ªŒ§¼•û‰«’nk‚Í‚¢‚©‚É‚Ü‚ê‚È’nk‚Å‚ ‚Á‚½‚©, “ú–{’nkŠw‰ïL•ñŽ‚È‚î‚Ó‚é, 50, p4. (“ú–{’nkŠw‰ï)
  14. ‹{àV—–« (2004). 2003”N\Ÿ‰«’nk‚É‚æ‚é“®“IƒgƒŠƒKƒŠƒ“ƒO (Dynamic triggering due to the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake), ’nk—\’m˜A—‰ï‰ï•ñ, 72Šª(156,157), 629-630. (—\’m˜A‰ï•ñ72Šª, DL)
  15. Miyazawa, M. and J. Mori (2004). Active response of the structure beneath Japan due to static and dynamic stress changes from large earthquakes in 2003, Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., No.47C, 127-137. DL (956KB)


  • ‹‘å’nk@‚È‚º‹N‚±‚éH ‚»‚Ì‚Æ‚«‚Ç‚¤‚·‚éH@‹ž“s‘åŠw–hÐŒ¤‹†Š’˜i•ª’SŽ·•MjCPHPŒ¤‹†Š@ISBN978-4-569-78378-9, 2014.
  • Ž©‘RЊQ‚Æ–hЂ̎–“T@‹ž“s‘åŠw–hÐŒ¤‹†Š ŠÄCi•ª’SŽ·•MjCŠÛ‘Po”ÅŠ”Ž®‰ïŽÐ@ISBN978-4-621-08445-8, 2011.

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