

うなぎセミナー 11/9

うなぎセミナー 11/9




Updated: 2017.04.10

  • 開催場所:京都大学 防災研究所 本館E-232D
  • Place: 京都大学 防災研究所 本館E-232D
  • 開催日時:2017年11月9日(木) 14時00分~
  • Date and Time: 2017年11月9日(木) 14時00分~


**************♦ うなぎセミナーのご案内 (Unagi-seminar) ♦**************


Date and time: 2nd November, 14:00 ~ 16:00
Room: E-232D @ Main building

伊東優治(Yuji ITOH)

Spatiotemporal distribution of interplate slip following the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake deduced from ocean bottom pressure gauges and onland GNSS data

2003年十勝沖地震(Mw8.0)は千島海溝で発生したプレート境界型地震で,顕著な余効変動を伴ったことが主にGNSS観測により知られてきた[例えばMiyazaki et al., 2004].GNSS観測された余効変動は余効すべりや粘弾性緩和でモデル化され,その影響が議論されてきた[例えばOzawa et al., 2004; Itoh and Nishimura, 2016].2003年十勝沖地震の余効変動のモデル化に関するほとんどの先行研究はGNSSデータのみを用いているが,十勝沖から釧路沖の海底には海洋研究開発機構(JAMSTEC)により海底圧力計(OBP)が2点設置されており,2003年十勝沖地震に伴う地震時地殻変動及び地震後の地殻変動を観測したことが知られている[例えばBaba et al., 2006].この海底圧力計データは連続観測されたものであるが,Baba et al. [2006]が1年間の余効すべりの累積量を推定することに用いたのみで,地震後1年以降のデータは余効変動のモデル化に使われてこなかった.

Calvin Luiramo Qwana

Makira Doublet earthquake in the Solomon Island in 2014.

This study focuses on two earthquake events which occurred in the Solomon Islands on April 12, 2014 and April 13, 2014. The magnitude of the first event was 7.6 while the magnitude of the second event was 7.4. Location 100 km (60 miles) south of the island of Makira (Santa Christabel), depth of 29 km (18 miles).
Doublet earthquake Phenomena has long been recognized with a widely held notion that time of occurrence of an earthquake on a fault undergoing tectonic loading is controlled both by the stress and frictional properties on that fault and by earthquakes on other faults nearby, Cheng-H. L, Yih-H.Y, Masataka. A, Kuang-Jung. C,Tao M. C and and Hsin C. P. (2008).
Earthquakes occur as a result of tectonic loading exceeding the maximum shear strength of a fault, the fault ruptures, as a result stress is released rapidly and redistributed in the region surrounding the fault. Andrew, M. F (2005). Stress distribution associated with large earthquakes that leads to the triggering of doublet phenomena still remain an enigma to be fully understood in most earthquake front.
This study focuses on evaluating the stress transfer mechanism that trigger the second earthquake event. The sourced of doublet earthquake in the area of interest to this study is the Solomon Islands subduction zone. This region is of particular interest to this study since it is tectonically evolving and characterized by the occurrence of large subduction zone with history of earthquake doublets, magnitudes (M≥7) that occur close in time and space. Therefore, this study would offer an opportunity to improve in the understanding of the mechanism of earthquake triggering in this region.

**************♦ 皆 さまのご来聴をお待ちしています ♦**************


11/16 坂上,高橋
11/23 お休み
11/30 植村
12/7 村本
12/14 お休み
12/21 三宅,安富
1/11 加藤,山村

1/29 修論発表会予行


**************♦ うなぎセミナーのご案内 (Unagi-seminar) ♦**************


Date and time: 2nd November, 14:00 ~ 16:00
Room: E-232D @ Main building

伊東優治(Yuji ITOH)

Spatiotemporal distribution of interplate slip following the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake deduced from ocean bottom pressure gauges and onland GNSS data

2003年十勝沖地震(Mw8.0)は千島海溝で発生したプレート境界型地震で,顕著な余効変動を伴ったことが主にGNSS観測により知られてきた[例えばMiyazaki et al., 2004].GNSS観測された余効変動は余効すべりや粘弾性緩和でモデル化され,その影響が議論されてきた[例えばOzawa et al., 2004; Itoh and Nishimura, 2016].2003年十勝沖地震の余効変動のモデル化に関するほとんどの先行研究はGNSSデータのみを用いているが,十勝沖から釧路沖の海底には海洋研究開発機構(JAMSTEC)により海底圧力計(OBP)が2点設置されており,2003年十勝沖地震に伴う地震時地殻変動及び地震後の地殻変動を観測したことが知られている[例えばBaba et al., 2006].この海底圧力計データは連続観測されたものであるが,Baba et al. [2006]が1年間の余効すべりの累積量を推定することに用いたのみで,地震後1年以降のデータは余効変動のモデル化に使われてこなかった.

Calvin Luiramo Qwana

Makira Doublet earthquake in the Solomon Island in 2014.

This study focuses on two earthquake events which occurred in the Solomon Islands on April 12, 2014 and April 13, 2014. The magnitude of the first event was 7.6 while the magnitude of the second event was 7.4. Location 100 km (60 miles) south of the island of Makira (Santa Christabel), depth of 29 km (18 miles).
Doublet earthquake Phenomena has long been recognized with a widely held notion that time of occurrence of an earthquake on a fault undergoing tectonic loading is controlled both by the stress and frictional properties on that fault and by earthquakes on other faults nearby, Cheng-H. L, Yih-H.Y, Masataka. A, Kuang-Jung. C,Tao M. C and and Hsin C. P. (2008).
Earthquakes occur as a result of tectonic loading exceeding the maximum shear strength of a fault, the fault ruptures, as a result stress is released rapidly and redistributed in the region surrounding the fault. Andrew, M. F (2005). Stress distribution associated with large earthquakes that leads to the triggering of doublet phenomena still remain an enigma to be fully understood in most earthquake front.
This study focuses on evaluating the stress transfer mechanism that trigger the second earthquake event. The sourced of doublet earthquake in the area of interest to this study is the Solomon Islands subduction zone. This region is of particular interest to this study since it is tectonically evolving and characterized by the occurrence of large subduction zone with history of earthquake doublets, magnitudes (M≥7) that occur close in time and space. Therefore, this study would offer an opportunity to improve in the understanding of the mechanism of earthquake triggering in this region.

**************♦ 皆 さまのご来聴をお待ちしています ♦**************


11/16 坂上,高橋
11/23 お休み
11/30 植村
12/7 村本
12/14 お休み
12/21 三宅,安富
1/11 加藤,山村

1/29 修論発表会予行


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