

うなぎセミナー 11/14

うなぎセミナー 11/14




Updated: 2024.04.18

  • 開催場所:京都大学 防災研究所 本館E-232D
  • Place: 京都大学 防災研究所 本館E-232D
  • 開催日時:2024年11月14日(木) 13時30分~
  • Date and Time: 2024年11月14日(木) 13時30分~


Here is information of the Unagi-seminar(November, 14).

************** Seminar on Seismology IV B, D /地震学ゼミナールIV B, D (Unagi Seminar) **************

科目:地震学ゼミナールIV B, D / Seminar on Seismology IV B, D(修士・博士)
日時:2024年 11月 14日 (木) 13:30~
場所:京都大学 防災研究所 本館E-232D

Date and Time:2024-11-14, 13:30~
Place:Uji Campus Main Building E232D

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Speaker 1(発表者): Akifumi TAKAYAMA

An investigation of the relationship between S-wave low-velocity anomaly around the plate interface and deep tectonic tremor activity in the Nankai Subduction Zone using observed and theoretical receiver functions

深部テクトニック微動はスロー地震の一種であり,間隙流体圧の高い場所で発生する (e.g., Audet and Kim, 2016; Shelly et al., 2006).流体に富む場所の推定には,地震学的手法 (例えば,レシーバ関数法 (e.g., Langston, 1979; Ammon, 1991)) が用いられる.レシーバ関数とは,遠地地震の変換波の抽出を通して地震波速度不連続面を検出する手法である.レシーバ関数振幅は,速度コントラストを反映する.またレシーバ関数振幅は,傾斜構造の存在下では地震波の到来方向 (back azimuth) に応じて変動する (e.g., Cassidy, 1992).
四国においてレシーバ関数計算を行った研究は多く,例えば Ueno et al. (2008) や Shiomi et al. (2008) は大陸モホ面の推定を,Shiomi et al. (2020) や Ruan et al. (2023) は異方性構造の考察を行っている.しかし,四国において観測点ごとのレシーバ関数振幅やその back azimuth 変動に着目した研究は少ない.特に,レシーバ関数のシグナル変化と微動活動の関係に言及した研究は少なく,どのような構造が微動の発生を支配するか,明らかになっていない.
一方,観測波形から得られたレシーバ関数の評価には,理論波形から得たレシーバ関数との比較が有効である (e.g., Wirth and Long, 2012).しかし,先行研究で主に用いられてきた理論レシーバ関数の計算手法 (RAYSUM; Frederiksen and Bostock, 2000) を南海トラフ沈み込み帯に適用するには,プレート傾斜角変化などの 3 次元不均質構造を考慮できない問題点があった.
そこで本研究では,四国における観測波形および理論波形を用いたレシーバ関数解析により,レシーバ関数の特徴や観測レシーバ関数と理論レシーバ関数の違いを詳細に調べることで,深部テクトニック微動活動を支配する構造の解明を目的とする.理論波形の計算には,3 次元有限差分法を用いて 3 次元不均質媒質中の波動伝播を計算する OpenSWPC (Maeda et al., 2017) を使用した.本研究ではレシーバ関数の計算方法として,時間領域繰り返しはぎ取り法 (Kikuchi and Kanamori, 1982) を用いて計算し,BIC (Schwarz, 1978) 最小を計算終了条件とする時間領域レシーバ関数解析 (Ruan et al., 2023) を使用した.使用周波数帯域は,理論波形による解像度試験より,< 0.6 Hz および < 2 Hz とした.
理論レシーバ関数と観測レシーバ関数を比較した結果,海洋モホ面に対応する Ps 変換波の前に現れる,負のレシーバ関数シグナルの特徴に 2 点の差異がみられた.1 点目は,深部テクトニック微動活発域と非活発域における負のレシーバ関数振幅の違いである.2 点目は,負のレシーバ関数振幅がピークとなる back azimuth の違いである.本発表では,これらの差異やその成因について行った検討の結果を報告する.また,これらの検討結果を踏まえ,深部テクトニック微動の発生を支配する可能性のある低速度構造と,その成因シナリオについても議論を行う.

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Speaker 2(発表者): Manamu Miyazoe

Topic1: Contribution of plastic deformation estimated from microstructures after deformation experiment on quartz aggregates
The transition of deformation mechanism between the brittle and plastic regimes is called the brittle-plastic transition (BPT). The BPT is important because it conceivably correlates with the lower limit of the seismogenic zone and large earthquakes often initiate there (e.g., Sibson, 1982). But the mechanism of rock deformation within faults in the BPT is not well understood. There have been many studies to formulate a constitutive law in the BPT (e.g., Reinen et al, 1992; Shimamoto and Noda, 2012; Chen and Spiers, 2016; Noda, 2021). Specifically, Noda (2021) proposed a deformation model focusing on S-C ' structures. In this study, we have two aims. One is verification of this model by comparing it with shear experiments. The other is estimation of the contribution of plastic deformation to the total strain rate in the experimental shear zone. The shear experiments are conducted using a Griggs-type solid pressure medium apparatus installed at Hiroshima University in various temperatures ranging from 400 to 900 °C so that we could capture the BPT of quartz (Hirth & Tullis, 1994; Richter et al., 2018). Mechanical data were recorded during the experiment. Shear strains, R1 orientations and major axis orientations of grains were measured from retrieved samples. Contribution was estimated from these structural parameters based on the kinematic constraints proposed by Noda (2021). In addition, we simulated the aspect ratio of grains after deformation using the estimated contributions between 750°C and 900°C and compared it with measurements from microstructures. In my presentation, I will show you these results.

Topic 2: Stability analyses of halite shear zone across the brittle-plastic transition using Slip law instead of Aging law
A stability analysis of halite shear zone across the brittle-plastic transition was conducted based on Kawamoto and Shimamoto (1997) and Noda and Shimamoto (2010) by Noda and Shimamoto (2012). In the analysis, an empirical law was used as connecting friction law and flow law smoothly without any additional constitutive parameter suggested by Shimamoto and Noda (2010). In this empirical law, Aging law is contained also. As a result of analysis, the stability region in terms of temperature and normal stress is consistent with experimental data. But a discrepancy is also reported between the experiment and the analysis under a condition. Although sustained oscillation was observed under certain experimental conditions, the analytical results did not indicate such behavior. On the other hand, some research has been reported that support slip law rather than aging law (Bhattacharya and Rubin, 2014; Bhattacharya et al., 2015; Bhattacharya et al., 2017). Therefore, we try again to perform stability analysis of halite shear zone across the brittle-plastic transition using the slip law instead of the aging law. I will show you introductions and methods and may report some results.

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Here is information of the Unagi-seminar(November, 14).

************** Seminar on Seismology IV B, D /地震学ゼミナールIV B, D (Unagi Seminar) **************

科目:地震学ゼミナールIV B, D / Seminar on Seismology IV B, D(修士・博士)
日時:2024年 11月 14日 (木) 13:30~
場所:京都大学 防災研究所 本館E-232D

Date and Time:2024-11-14, 13:30~
Place:Uji Campus Main Building E232D

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Speaker 1(発表者): Akifumi TAKAYAMA

An investigation of the relationship between S-wave low-velocity anomaly around the plate interface and deep tectonic tremor activity in the Nankai Subduction Zone using observed and theoretical receiver functions

深部テクトニック微動はスロー地震の一種であり,間隙流体圧の高い場所で発生する (e.g., Audet and Kim, 2016; Shelly et al., 2006).流体に富む場所の推定には,地震学的手法 (例えば,レシーバ関数法 (e.g., Langston, 1979; Ammon, 1991)) が用いられる.レシーバ関数とは,遠地地震の変換波の抽出を通して地震波速度不連続面を検出する手法である.レシーバ関数振幅は,速度コントラストを反映する.またレシーバ関数振幅は,傾斜構造の存在下では地震波の到来方向 (back azimuth) に応じて変動する (e.g., Cassidy, 1992).
四国においてレシーバ関数計算を行った研究は多く,例えば Ueno et al. (2008) や Shiomi et al. (2008) は大陸モホ面の推定を,Shiomi et al. (2020) や Ruan et al. (2023) は異方性構造の考察を行っている.しかし,四国において観測点ごとのレシーバ関数振幅やその back azimuth 変動に着目した研究は少ない.特に,レシーバ関数のシグナル変化と微動活動の関係に言及した研究は少なく,どのような構造が微動の発生を支配するか,明らかになっていない.
一方,観測波形から得られたレシーバ関数の評価には,理論波形から得たレシーバ関数との比較が有効である (e.g., Wirth and Long, 2012).しかし,先行研究で主に用いられてきた理論レシーバ関数の計算手法 (RAYSUM; Frederiksen and Bostock, 2000) を南海トラフ沈み込み帯に適用するには,プレート傾斜角変化などの 3 次元不均質構造を考慮できない問題点があった.
そこで本研究では,四国における観測波形および理論波形を用いたレシーバ関数解析により,レシーバ関数の特徴や観測レシーバ関数と理論レシーバ関数の違いを詳細に調べることで,深部テクトニック微動活動を支配する構造の解明を目的とする.理論波形の計算には,3 次元有限差分法を用いて 3 次元不均質媒質中の波動伝播を計算する OpenSWPC (Maeda et al., 2017) を使用した.本研究ではレシーバ関数の計算方法として,時間領域繰り返しはぎ取り法 (Kikuchi and Kanamori, 1982) を用いて計算し,BIC (Schwarz, 1978) 最小を計算終了条件とする時間領域レシーバ関数解析 (Ruan et al., 2023) を使用した.使用周波数帯域は,理論波形による解像度試験より,< 0.6 Hz および < 2 Hz とした.
理論レシーバ関数と観測レシーバ関数を比較した結果,海洋モホ面に対応する Ps 変換波の前に現れる,負のレシーバ関数シグナルの特徴に 2 点の差異がみられた.1 点目は,深部テクトニック微動活発域と非活発域における負のレシーバ関数振幅の違いである.2 点目は,負のレシーバ関数振幅がピークとなる back azimuth の違いである.本発表では,これらの差異やその成因について行った検討の結果を報告する.また,これらの検討結果を踏まえ,深部テクトニック微動の発生を支配する可能性のある低速度構造と,その成因シナリオについても議論を行う.

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Speaker 2(発表者): Manamu Miyazoe

Topic1: Contribution of plastic deformation estimated from microstructures after deformation experiment on quartz aggregates
The transition of deformation mechanism between the brittle and plastic regimes is called the brittle-plastic transition (BPT). The BPT is important because it conceivably correlates with the lower limit of the seismogenic zone and large earthquakes often initiate there (e.g., Sibson, 1982). But the mechanism of rock deformation within faults in the BPT is not well understood. There have been many studies to formulate a constitutive law in the BPT (e.g., Reinen et al, 1992; Shimamoto and Noda, 2012; Chen and Spiers, 2016; Noda, 2021). Specifically, Noda (2021) proposed a deformation model focusing on S-C ' structures. In this study, we have two aims. One is verification of this model by comparing it with shear experiments. The other is estimation of the contribution of plastic deformation to the total strain rate in the experimental shear zone. The shear experiments are conducted using a Griggs-type solid pressure medium apparatus installed at Hiroshima University in various temperatures ranging from 400 to 900 °C so that we could capture the BPT of quartz (Hirth & Tullis, 1994; Richter et al., 2018). Mechanical data were recorded during the experiment. Shear strains, R1 orientations and major axis orientations of grains were measured from retrieved samples. Contribution was estimated from these structural parameters based on the kinematic constraints proposed by Noda (2021). In addition, we simulated the aspect ratio of grains after deformation using the estimated contributions between 750°C and 900°C and compared it with measurements from microstructures. In my presentation, I will show you these results.

Topic 2: Stability analyses of halite shear zone across the brittle-plastic transition using Slip law instead of Aging law
A stability analysis of halite shear zone across the brittle-plastic transition was conducted based on Kawamoto and Shimamoto (1997) and Noda and Shimamoto (2010) by Noda and Shimamoto (2012). In the analysis, an empirical law was used as connecting friction law and flow law smoothly without any additional constitutive parameter suggested by Shimamoto and Noda (2010). In this empirical law, Aging law is contained also. As a result of analysis, the stability region in terms of temperature and normal stress is consistent with experimental data. But a discrepancy is also reported between the experiment and the analysis under a condition. Although sustained oscillation was observed under certain experimental conditions, the analytical results did not indicate such behavior. On the other hand, some research has been reported that support slip law rather than aging law (Bhattacharya and Rubin, 2014; Bhattacharya et al., 2015; Bhattacharya et al., 2017). Therefore, we try again to perform stability analysis of halite shear zone across the brittle-plastic transition using the slip law instead of the aging law. I will show you introductions and methods and may report some results.

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