

うなぎセミナー 12/12

うなぎセミナー 12/12




Updated: 2024.04.18

  • 開催場所:京都大学 防災研究所 本館E-232D
  • Place: 京都大学 防災研究所 本館E-232D
  • 開催日時:2024年12月12日(木) 13時30分~
  • Date and Time: 2024年12月12日(木) 13時30分~


Here is information of the Unagi-seminar(December, 12).

************** Seminar on Seismology IV B, D /地震学ゼミナールIV B, D (Unagi Seminar) **************

科目:地震学ゼミナールIV B, D / Seminar on Seismology IV B, D(修士・博士)
日時:2024年 12月 12日 (木) 13:30~
場所:京都大学 防災研究所 本館E-232D

Date and Time:2024-12-12, 13:30~
Place:Uji Campus Main Building E232D

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Speaker 1(発表者): 畔蒜 尚幸 (Naoyuki ABIRU)


スロー地震の中でも、測地学的なシグナルとして観測されるものはスロースリップ(以下:SSE)と呼ばれ、世界各地で発生している。琉球海溝周辺では沖縄本島周辺など、複数の地域でSSEが確認されており(e.g., Nishimura, 2014)、沖縄本島周辺のSSEは、超低周波地震(VLF)や低周波地震(LFE)と同期して発生することが報告されている(Nakamura, 2017)。しかし、琉球海溝周辺ではGNSSの設置が島嶼部に限られるため、観測点密度が低く、GNSSによるSSEの検出が可能な地域は限られている。沖縄本島においては、先行研究では主に南部の沖合でSSEが発見されているが、SSEに伴う地表変位は2-3mm程度と小さく、北部の観測点数が少ないことから、本当に南部のみで発生しているのかは不明であった。京都大学では、2019年に3つの観測点を沖縄本島北部に設置しており、このデータを用いることで、この地域のSSEの検出が向上することが見込まれる。

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Speaker 2(発表者): 西沢 貴志 (Takashi NISHIZAWA)

Formation Mechanism of Central Lowland Zones based on Dislocation Model for Plate Subduction

In subduction zones, a characteristic pattern of topographic and gravity anomalies generally appears, with subduction in oceanic trenches and uplift in island arcs (outer arc to volcanic arc). Matsu'ura& Sato (1989) applied a dislocation theory to plate subductions and calculate crustal deformation in subduction zones. Applying this method to long-term plate subduction reproduces subsidence in oceanic trenches and uplift of island arcs. However, the most important internal structure of the island arc, the relative subsidence topography that develops between the outer arc and the volcanic arc (central subsidence zone: Kaizuka, 1972), has not been reproduced. This means that while the general uplift of the island arc can be explained, it is not well understood why the subsidence zones are formed in the Seto Naikai (Inland Sea) and along the Kitakami-Abukuma River. Similar topography is found in some island arcs, such as the Cascades and Sumatra. However, it is not found in some island arcs such as Kuril and Mariana. Therefor it is expected that different subduction parameters (dip angle, thickness, etc.) or mechanical property (e.g., viscosity) in each region control its formation.
This study aims to understand the formation of the central lowland zone through a comparative subductology of observed subduction parameters, and theoretical model. The former part, I will show the result of correlation analysis between central zone parameters (depth, width). The later part, I will introduce the results of numerical experiments based on the dislocation model for plate subduction which layered elastic-viscoelastic-viscoelastic structure. In the model, synthetic fault geometries are represented by the summation of element functions with the dimensions of the second-order derivatives of depth (Hashimoto & Kuroiwa, 2024). Also, I constructed realistic fault geometries by interpolating ETOPO1 (Amante & Eakins, 2009) and Slab2.0 (Hayes et al., 2018) with a cubic spline function. On the basis of these results, we will discuss the formation mechanism of the central subduction zone.

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Here is information of the Unagi-seminar(December, 12).

************** Seminar on Seismology IV B, D /地震学ゼミナールIV B, D (Unagi Seminar) **************

科目:地震学ゼミナールIV B, D / Seminar on Seismology IV B, D(修士・博士)
日時:2024年 12月 12日 (木) 13:30~
場所:京都大学 防災研究所 本館E-232D

Date and Time:2024-12-12, 13:30~
Place:Uji Campus Main Building E232D

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Speaker 1(発表者): 畔蒜 尚幸 (Naoyuki ABIRU)


スロー地震の中でも、測地学的なシグナルとして観測されるものはスロースリップ(以下:SSE)と呼ばれ、世界各地で発生している。琉球海溝周辺では沖縄本島周辺など、複数の地域でSSEが確認されており(e.g., Nishimura, 2014)、沖縄本島周辺のSSEは、超低周波地震(VLF)や低周波地震(LFE)と同期して発生することが報告されている(Nakamura, 2017)。しかし、琉球海溝周辺ではGNSSの設置が島嶼部に限られるため、観測点密度が低く、GNSSによるSSEの検出が可能な地域は限られている。沖縄本島においては、先行研究では主に南部の沖合でSSEが発見されているが、SSEに伴う地表変位は2-3mm程度と小さく、北部の観測点数が少ないことから、本当に南部のみで発生しているのかは不明であった。京都大学では、2019年に3つの観測点を沖縄本島北部に設置しており、このデータを用いることで、この地域のSSEの検出が向上することが見込まれる。

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Speaker 2(発表者): 西沢 貴志 (Takashi NISHIZAWA)

Formation Mechanism of Central Lowland Zones based on Dislocation Model for Plate Subduction

In subduction zones, a characteristic pattern of topographic and gravity anomalies generally appears, with subduction in oceanic trenches and uplift in island arcs (outer arc to volcanic arc). Matsu'ura& Sato (1989) applied a dislocation theory to plate subductions and calculate crustal deformation in subduction zones. Applying this method to long-term plate subduction reproduces subsidence in oceanic trenches and uplift of island arcs. However, the most important internal structure of the island arc, the relative subsidence topography that develops between the outer arc and the volcanic arc (central subsidence zone: Kaizuka, 1972), has not been reproduced. This means that while the general uplift of the island arc can be explained, it is not well understood why the subsidence zones are formed in the Seto Naikai (Inland Sea) and along the Kitakami-Abukuma River. Similar topography is found in some island arcs, such as the Cascades and Sumatra. However, it is not found in some island arcs such as Kuril and Mariana. Therefor it is expected that different subduction parameters (dip angle, thickness, etc.) or mechanical property (e.g., viscosity) in each region control its formation.
This study aims to understand the formation of the central lowland zone through a comparative subductology of observed subduction parameters, and theoretical model. The former part, I will show the result of correlation analysis between central zone parameters (depth, width). The later part, I will introduce the results of numerical experiments based on the dislocation model for plate subduction which layered elastic-viscoelastic-viscoelastic structure. In the model, synthetic fault geometries are represented by the summation of element functions with the dimensions of the second-order derivatives of depth (Hashimoto & Kuroiwa, 2024). Also, I constructed realistic fault geometries by interpolating ETOPO1 (Amante & Eakins, 2009) and Slab2.0 (Hayes et al., 2018) with a cubic spline function. On the basis of these results, we will discuss the formation mechanism of the central subduction zone.

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