

うなぎセミナー 6/16

うなぎセミナー 6/16




Updated: 2022.04.13

  • 開催場所:京都大学防災研究所 連携研究棟301号室(大セミナー室) または オンライン(Zoom)
  • Place: 京都大学防災研究所 連携研究棟301号室(大セミナー室) または オンライン(Zoom)
  • 開催日時:2022年6月16日(木) 14時00分~
  • Date and Time: 2022年6月16日(木) 14時00分~


Here is information of the Unagi-seminar(June, 16).

************** Seminar on Seismology IV A, C /地震学ゼミナールIV A, C (Unagi Seminar) **************

科目:地震学ゼミナールIV A, C / Seminar on Seismology IV A, C(修士・博士)
日時:2022年 6月 16日 (木) 14:00~
場所:京都大学防災研究所 連携研究棟301号室(大セミナー室)または オンライン(Zoom)

Date and Time:2022-06-16, 14:00~
Place:Seminar Room #301, DPRI Collaborative Research Hub, Uji Campus, Kyoto University or Zoom (Hybrid)



2018 年に発生した大阪府北部地震(M6.1)では、深さ10kmから15kmの範囲内に余震分布が集中している。別の内陸地震(新潟県中越地震:M6.8、澁谷他,2005)では、深さ15km程度を中心に、地表付近まで浅くなるにつれて徐々に分布域が広がっていくような、お椀状の余震分布が見られており、大阪府北部地震の余震分布が別の内陸地震の例とは異なっている。これを断層の強度による影響と考え、大阪府北部地域での断層強度と深さとの関係に着目する。
本研究では、断層強度とG-R則から導かれるb値の間に相関があると考え、満点観測による定常的な大阪府北部地域での地震活動から、この地域におけるb値と深さとの関係を求める。本発表では、各深さ領域でのb値を求めるに当たって、コンプリートネスマグニチュード(Mc)をWiemer and Wyss, 2000の手法で決定し、最尤法(Aki, 1965)を用いた場合と、Iwata, 2013の手法を参考に求めた場合との結果について比較し、深さによるb値の変化について考察する。

Presenter(発表者):Yasunori Sawaki(佐脇 泰典)

Seismological structure beneath the seafloor at the Hyuga-nada, estimated using ocean bottom seismographs

It is generally accepted that subsurface seismic wave velocities increase with depth. However, Akuhara et al. (in review) discovered a curious low-velocity zone (LVZ) beneath sedimentary layers at the Hyuga-nada region in the western Nankai subduction zone by performing a transdimensional inversion of surface wave and teleseismic Green’s functions from ocean-bottom seismographs (OBSs) in a dense-array observation. Around this region, the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) is subducted (e.g., Yamamoto et al., 2013) and shallow slow earthquake events around KPR have been detected by OBS observations since 2013 (Tonegawa et al., 2020; Yamashita et al., 2015; 2021). The results implied that the LVZ would be formed by a vast water reservoir widely above the KPR from the dense-array OBS data (Akuhara et al., in review), however, fundamental questions remain to be investigated whether the LVZ is widely distributed around the KPR or just localized around the dense array with a radius of 2 km and what contributes to the formation of the LVZ. To constrain the spatial scale of the LVZ, I performed high-frequency receiver function analysis and receiver-side Green’s function estimation (Akuhara et al., 2019) using OBS data from our campaign observations around the Hyuga-nada region. The receiver function was computed by the iterative time-domain deconvolution method (Ligorria and Ammon, 1999) to suppress computational instability. Seismograms of regional deep-focus events that took place in the Pacific slab were used for the analysis as well as teleseismic events (Sawaki et al., 2021). Horizontal sensor orientations for both broadband and short-period OBSs were corrected using the Rayleigh-wave polarization method (Stachnik et al., 2012; Doran & Laske, 2017). The short-period sensors that have large estimation uncertainty of orientation were excluded from further analysis and discussion. Both receiver function and Green’s function traces from stations around the array exhibited successive negative and positive phases around 2 s. This feature resembles Green’s function phases shown by Akuhara et al. (in review) and demonstrates the probable lateral presence of LVZ over 10 km wide under the assumption of P-to-S conversions. The back-azimuthal variation also suggests that the basal sediment has a slight dip, which might relate to localized fluid accumulation.


6/23 :山本、Chintan
6/30 :村本、Admore
7/7 :松尾、岡田
7/14 :小出、野田
7/21 :森永、Frazi


Here is information of the Unagi-seminar(June, 16).

************** Seminar on Seismology IV A, C /地震学ゼミナールIV A, C (Unagi Seminar) **************

科目:地震学ゼミナールIV A, C / Seminar on Seismology IV A, C(修士・博士)
日時:2022年 6月 16日 (木) 14:00~
場所:京都大学防災研究所 連携研究棟301号室(大セミナー室)または オンライン(Zoom)

Date and Time:2022-06-16, 14:00~
Place:Seminar Room #301, DPRI Collaborative Research Hub, Uji Campus, Kyoto University or Zoom (Hybrid)



2018 年に発生した大阪府北部地震(M6.1)では、深さ10kmから15kmの範囲内に余震分布が集中している。別の内陸地震(新潟県中越地震:M6.8、澁谷他,2005)では、深さ15km程度を中心に、地表付近まで浅くなるにつれて徐々に分布域が広がっていくような、お椀状の余震分布が見られており、大阪府北部地震の余震分布が別の内陸地震の例とは異なっている。これを断層の強度による影響と考え、大阪府北部地域での断層強度と深さとの関係に着目する。
本研究では、断層強度とG-R則から導かれるb値の間に相関があると考え、満点観測による定常的な大阪府北部地域での地震活動から、この地域におけるb値と深さとの関係を求める。本発表では、各深さ領域でのb値を求めるに当たって、コンプリートネスマグニチュード(Mc)をWiemer and Wyss, 2000の手法で決定し、最尤法(Aki, 1965)を用いた場合と、Iwata, 2013の手法を参考に求めた場合との結果について比較し、深さによるb値の変化について考察する。

Presenter(発表者):Yasunori Sawaki(佐脇 泰典)

Seismological structure beneath the seafloor at the Hyuga-nada, estimated using ocean bottom seismographs

It is generally accepted that subsurface seismic wave velocities increase with depth. However, Akuhara et al. (in review) discovered a curious low-velocity zone (LVZ) beneath sedimentary layers at the Hyuga-nada region in the western Nankai subduction zone by performing a transdimensional inversion of surface wave and teleseismic Green’s functions from ocean-bottom seismographs (OBSs) in a dense-array observation. Around this region, the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) is subducted (e.g., Yamamoto et al., 2013) and shallow slow earthquake events around KPR have been detected by OBS observations since 2013 (Tonegawa et al., 2020; Yamashita et al., 2015; 2021). The results implied that the LVZ would be formed by a vast water reservoir widely above the KPR from the dense-array OBS data (Akuhara et al., in review), however, fundamental questions remain to be investigated whether the LVZ is widely distributed around the KPR or just localized around the dense array with a radius of 2 km and what contributes to the formation of the LVZ. To constrain the spatial scale of the LVZ, I performed high-frequency receiver function analysis and receiver-side Green’s function estimation (Akuhara et al., 2019) using OBS data from our campaign observations around the Hyuga-nada region. The receiver function was computed by the iterative time-domain deconvolution method (Ligorria and Ammon, 1999) to suppress computational instability. Seismograms of regional deep-focus events that took place in the Pacific slab were used for the analysis as well as teleseismic events (Sawaki et al., 2021). Horizontal sensor orientations for both broadband and short-period OBSs were corrected using the Rayleigh-wave polarization method (Stachnik et al., 2012; Doran & Laske, 2017). The short-period sensors that have large estimation uncertainty of orientation were excluded from further analysis and discussion. Both receiver function and Green’s function traces from stations around the array exhibited successive negative and positive phases around 2 s. This feature resembles Green’s function phases shown by Akuhara et al. (in review) and demonstrates the probable lateral presence of LVZ over 10 km wide under the assumption of P-to-S conversions. The back-azimuthal variation also suggests that the basal sediment has a slight dip, which might relate to localized fluid accumulation.


6/23 :山本、Chintan
6/30 :村本、Admore
7/7 :松尾、岡田
7/14 :小出、野田
7/21 :森永、Frazi


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