日時:11月17日(金) 10:30am--12:00pm
場所:S-519D 防災研究所大会議室
タイトル:Data-driven seismic characterization of structures
Abstract: br> Earth's seismic structure is heterogeneous at all scales, and mapping that heterogeneity directly contributes to the accuracy of understanding subsurface geology and geodynamics, and simulating linear path effects for ground motion prediction. The recent increase of the number of seismic sensors and their deployment time interval provides us a unique opportunity to understand the seismic characterization of structures in 3D and 4D based on the observed data. Here, I demonstrate that very dense receiver networks can be used for subsurface velocity imaging with high spatial resolution and that continuous observation can be used for the estimation of time-lapse changes of seismic velocities related to strong motion and environmental parameters. In addition to the structural information, such datasets can be used for studying earthquake sources especially for small earthquakes, which are useful to understand the stress condition. I will
We will have a special seminar by Prof. Nakata from Univ. Oklahoma, who will have
a short-stay in DPRI from the middle of this month.
Date: November 17 (Fri)
Time: 10:30am–12:00pm
Place: S-519D DPRI Meeting room
Speaker: Assitant Professor Nori Nakata (Univ. Oklahoma)
Title: Data-driven seismic characterization of structures
Earth’s seismic structure is heterogeneous at all scales, and mapping that heterogeneity directly contributes to the accuracy of understanding subsurface geology and geodynamics, and simulating linear path effects for ground motion prediction. The recent increase of the number of seismic sensors and their deployment time interval provides us a unique opportunity to understand the seismic characterization of structures in 3D and 4D based on the observed data. Here, I demonstrate that very dense receiver networks can be used for subsurface velocity imaging with high spatial resolution and that continuous
observation can be used for the estimation of time-lapse changes of seismic velocities related to strong motion and environmental parameters. In addition to the structural information, such datasets can be used for studying earthquake sources especially for small earthquakes, which are useful to understand the stress condition. I will
Prof. Nakata is very active in a research filed of monitoring of structures,
or temporal changes of structures, and its method is applicable to
seismology, volcanology, civil engennering, landslide, and maybe more.
So many may be interested in his talk.
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© Research Center for Earthquake Hazards.