


Seismic and Volcanic Hazards Mitigation Research Group Workshop (November 25, 2022)




Updated: 2022.11.18

2022年度(令和4年度)第5回の京大防災研 地震・火山グループ研究会開催をお知らせいたします。

Here is information of the 5th seminar of the Earthquake and Volcano Group Research, DPRI, Kyoto Univerity in FY2022 on November 25.
The seminar is held in a hybrid style. We ask that only staff and students of DPRI can participate on-site because of COVID-19. Your on-line participation is welcomed.

-------------- 2022年11月 地震・火山グループ研究会 -------------
-------------- Colloquium of Earthquake and Volcano Hazard Group --------------

日 時:2022年11月25日(金)15:00 – 17:10
Date:15:00-17:10 November 25 (Friday), 2022
場 所:京都大学防災研究所 連携研究棟3階301号室(大セミナー室)での対面とZoomによるハイブリッド方式
Location:In-person, Room 301, Collaborative Research Hub, DPRI, Uji Campus, Kyoto University or On-line with Zoom

15:00-16:00 岡﨑 啓史(広島大学大学院先進理工系科学研究科 地球惑星システム学プログラム 准教授)
16:10-17:10 堤 昭人(京都大学理学研究科 地球惑星科学専攻地球テクトニクス講座 准教授)


「沈み込み帯で起こる多様な変成反応と沈み込み帯ダイナミクスに関する実験岩石力学的研究 」 岡﨑 啓史

「石英質物質の摩擦に及ぼす湿度の影響について-特に高速摩擦弱化挙動に関連して」 堤 昭人
岩石の摩擦実験においてすべりが高速になると,摩擦抵抗が著しく低下することが知られている.この「高速摩擦弱化」の性質は,地震時における断層のさまざまな滑り挙動を理解する上で重要な情報であるが,その発現機構の詳細は明らかになっていない.例えばノバキュライトやチャート等の石英質岩石は,1 mm/sの比較的低速のすべり速度で摩擦強度の著しい弱化を伴うことが知られている.石英質岩に特徴的なこの摩擦弱化の生じる要因についいて、いくつかの変形素過程が提案されているものの、いまだ未解明の部分が残されている.本講演では,組成と構造の単純な人工水晶を用いた摩擦実験結果について変形構造のナノスケール観察結果も紹介しながら報告し,大気中の水分吸着に起因した断層強度回復のプロセスが,室内湿度条件下での珪質物質の高速すべり摩擦実験の結果に及ぼす影響について考察する.

Seminar Program on November 25

(1) 15:00-16:00 Keishi Okazaki(Hiroshima University)
Title: Effects of diagenetic reactions on frictional properties and permeability of incoming sediments at the Japan Trench

Subduction zone plate boundary is a material boundary extending from the surface to the deep of the Earth as well as deformation- and reaction- localized zones. Materials at the plate boundary undergo continuous deformation and metamorphism during subduction from the trench to the Earth's interior, however, how these reactions are related to the dynamics of the subduction zone and the occurrence of earthquakes is not yet well understood. By the current technology, it is quite challenging to obtain the fault materials directly from the hypocenters of megathrust earthquakes, while we can collect incoming sediments from outer-rise regions at the subduction zones that will reach the seismogenic zone in the future. Therefore, it is important to reproduce the high-temperature and high-pressure environment of the Earth's interior in the laboratory to synthesize materials that are supposed to exist in the Earth's interior and to study their deformation characteristics in order to better understand the dynamics of the subduction zones. In this presentation, we report on the frictional properties and permeability of incoming sediments under high temperature and high pressure. We will also discuss on the relationship between the change in frictional properties due to diagenesis of hemipelagic sediments in the Japan Trench and the upper limit of the seismogenic zone.

(2) 16:10-17:10 Akito Tsutsumi(Kyoto University)
Title: Effect of humidity on the frictional properties of quartz: implications for high-velocity weakening of quartz rocks

Previous research on the friction of rocks and gouge material has reported that frictional strength decreases dramatically at high slip velocities (>~0.1 m/s). Among the various compositions of materials tested so far, frictional weakening of quartz rocks occurs at relatively low slip velocities (>~1 mm/s), which implies that the frictional weakening mechanism of quartz rocks may be unique. In this talk, I will present our recent experimental results from a series of friction tests performed on single crystal of quartz. The experimental data and the observation of the nano-scale deformation structures suggest that the humidity conditions during the experiments should play an important role in controlling the time-dependent healing (aging) process and also the steady-state level of the frictional strength measured at the high-velocity friction experiments.


2022年度(令和4年度)第5回の京大防災研 地震・火山グループ研究会開催をお知らせいたします。

Here is information of the 5th seminar of the Earthquake and Volcano Group Research, DPRI, Kyoto Univerity in FY2022 on November 25.
The seminar is held in a hybrid style. We ask that only staff and students of DPRI can participate on-site because of COVID-19. Your on-line participation is welcomed.

-------------- 2022年11月 地震・火山グループ研究会 -------------
-------------- Colloquium of Earthquake and Volcano Hazard Group --------------

日 時:2022年11月25日(金)15:00 – 17:10
Date:15:00-17:10 November 25 (Friday), 2022
場 所:京都大学防災研究所 連携研究棟3階301号室(大セミナー室)での対面とZoomによるハイブリッド方式
Location:In-person, Room 301, Collaborative Research Hub, DPRI, Uji Campus, Kyoto University or On-line with Zoom

15:00-16:00 岡﨑 啓史(広島大学大学院先進理工系科学研究科 地球惑星システム学プログラム 准教授)
16:10-17:10 堤 昭人(京都大学理学研究科 地球惑星科学専攻地球テクトニクス講座 准教授)


「沈み込み帯で起こる多様な変成反応と沈み込み帯ダイナミクスに関する実験岩石力学的研究 」 岡﨑 啓史

「石英質物質の摩擦に及ぼす湿度の影響について-特に高速摩擦弱化挙動に関連して」 堤 昭人
岩石の摩擦実験においてすべりが高速になると,摩擦抵抗が著しく低下することが知られている.この「高速摩擦弱化」の性質は,地震時における断層のさまざまな滑り挙動を理解する上で重要な情報であるが,その発現機構の詳細は明らかになっていない.例えばノバキュライトやチャート等の石英質岩石は,1 mm/sの比較的低速のすべり速度で摩擦強度の著しい弱化を伴うことが知られている.石英質岩に特徴的なこの摩擦弱化の生じる要因についいて、いくつかの変形素過程が提案されているものの、いまだ未解明の部分が残されている.本講演では,組成と構造の単純な人工水晶を用いた摩擦実験結果について変形構造のナノスケール観察結果も紹介しながら報告し,大気中の水分吸着に起因した断層強度回復のプロセスが,室内湿度条件下での珪質物質の高速すべり摩擦実験の結果に及ぼす影響について考察する.

Seminar Program on November 25

(1) 15:00-16:00 Keishi Okazaki(Hiroshima University)
Title: Effects of diagenetic reactions on frictional properties and permeability of incoming sediments at the Japan Trench

Subduction zone plate boundary is a material boundary extending from the surface to the deep of the Earth as well as deformation- and reaction- localized zones. Materials at the plate boundary undergo continuous deformation and metamorphism during subduction from the trench to the Earth's interior, however, how these reactions are related to the dynamics of the subduction zone and the occurrence of earthquakes is not yet well understood. By the current technology, it is quite challenging to obtain the fault materials directly from the hypocenters of megathrust earthquakes, while we can collect incoming sediments from outer-rise regions at the subduction zones that will reach the seismogenic zone in the future. Therefore, it is important to reproduce the high-temperature and high-pressure environment of the Earth's interior in the laboratory to synthesize materials that are supposed to exist in the Earth's interior and to study their deformation characteristics in order to better understand the dynamics of the subduction zones. In this presentation, we report on the frictional properties and permeability of incoming sediments under high temperature and high pressure. We will also discuss on the relationship between the change in frictional properties due to diagenesis of hemipelagic sediments in the Japan Trench and the upper limit of the seismogenic zone.

(2) 16:10-17:10 Akito Tsutsumi(Kyoto University)
Title: Effect of humidity on the frictional properties of quartz: implications for high-velocity weakening of quartz rocks

Previous research on the friction of rocks and gouge material has reported that frictional strength decreases dramatically at high slip velocities (>~0.1 m/s). Among the various compositions of materials tested so far, frictional weakening of quartz rocks occurs at relatively low slip velocities (>~1 mm/s), which implies that the frictional weakening mechanism of quartz rocks may be unique. In this talk, I will present our recent experimental results from a series of friction tests performed on single crystal of quartz. The experimental data and the observation of the nano-scale deformation structures suggest that the humidity conditions during the experiments should play an important role in controlling the time-dependent healing (aging) process and also the steady-state level of the frictional strength measured at the high-velocity friction experiments.



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