

Aaron Wech 博士のセミナー(5月31日)

Seminar by Dr. Aaron Wech




Updated: 2018.05.29

5月31日のうなぎセミナー後に、「国際的な活躍が期待できる研究者の育成事業」プログラムの一環で来日されているアメリカ地質調査所アラスカ火山観測所のAaron Wech博士のセミナーを開催します。

場所:防災研究所 地震予知研究センター 本館セミナー室(E-232D)

タイトル:A summary and results from the 2016-2017 submarine eruption of Bogoslof Volcano
The 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, a submarine stratovolcano in the Bering Sea, produced 68 significant explosions over 8 months. With no local monitoring data, the eruption was seismically recorded on nearby islands 50-100 km away, limiting the detection and resolution of seismic observations. In this talk I’ll provide a summary of the eruption and how the Alaska Volcano Observatory monitored activity, followed by some scientific results using T-waves to as a proxy earthquake depth to better understand the eruption. We construct a matched filter catalog of 3199 events from 49 earthquake families, many of which occurred with hydroacoustic T waves of varying strength. We then use a 2D finite difference model to show that hydroacoustic amplitudes should decrease with increased source depth beneath the edifice and leverage each family’s seismically recorded T wave amplitude as a proxy for source depth, which we compare to regional infrasound data. This unique combination of using P and S waves to detect events, T waves as a proxy for depth, and infrasound for precise timing of emissions allows us to interpret the dynamics and evolution of the Bogoslof eruption.





Date: May 31, After the Unagi seminar

Place: DPRI Main Building E232D, Kyoto University Uji Campus

Title:A summary and results from the 2016-2017 submarine eruption of Bogoslof Volcano

The 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, a submarine stratovolcano in the Bering Sea, produced 68 significant explosions over 8 months. With no local monitoring data, the eruption was seismically recorded on nearby islands 50-100 km away, limiting the detection and resolution of seismic observations. In this talk I’ll provide a summary of the eruption and how the Alaska Volcano Observatory monitored activity, followed by some scientific results using T-waves to as a proxy earthquake depth to better understand the eruption. We construct a matched filter catalog of 3199 events from 49 earthquake families, many of which occurred with hydroacoustic T waves of varying strength. We then use a 2D finite difference model to show that hydroacoustic amplitudes should decrease with increased source depth beneath the edifice and leverage each family’s seismically recorded T wave amplitude as a proxy for source depth, which we compare to regional infrasound data. This unique combination of using P and S waves to detect events, T waves as a proxy for depth, and infrasound for precise timing of emissions allows us to interpret the dynamics and evolution of the Bogoslof eruption.


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