先日、シンガポールから Sylvain Barbot 氏が京都にやってきましたが、彼のところでポスドクをしている、James DP Moore 氏が来週火曜日に 防災研でセミナーをします。Oxford 大の測地グループの出身で、非線形 粘弾性など理論が強い研究者です。皆さま、お気軽にお越し下さい。
日時: 1月17日(火) 11:00 ~ 12:15
場所:京都大学 宇治キャンパス 地震予知研究センター研究棟 C200
講演者: James D P Moore (NTU: Nanyan Technological University, Singapore)
タイトル: Lithospheric flexure, cycles of deposition in a sedimentary basin, the Earth’s gravity field and mantle dynamics
An understanding of the finite strength of the lithosphere and how it develops over time is key to understanding many geological and geodetic observations. For example, when consideration is given to the fact that the long-term strength of the lithosphere depends on both thermal and load age we are able to model stratal geometries in sedimentary basins that not only closely resemble stratigraphic observations, but do not require either long-term sea-level or sediment flux changes in order to explain them. Furthermore, power spectral studies of the Earth’s gravity field show that it is dominated at short wavelengths by the gravity effect of topography and its isostatic compensation and at long wavelengths by mantle dynamics where the switch-over between these mechanisms is governed by the strength of the lithosphere. Using flexural transfer functions and admittance equations we can move beyond Airy isostasy and remove the isostatic contribution of regional compensation to independently examine the global gravity field for flexural effects and the signature of mantle dynamics.
Lecturer: James D. P. Moore (NTU: Nanyan Technological University, Singapore)
Date: January 17, 11:00-12:15
Place: Room 200, Research Center for Earthquake Prediction , Kyoto University Uji Campus
Title: Lithospheric flexure, cycles of deposition in a sedimentary basin, the Earth’s gravity field and mantle dynamics
An understanding of the finite strength of the lithosphere and how it develops over time is key to understanding many geological and geodetic observations. For example, when consideration is given to the fact that the long-term strength of the lithosphere depends on both thermal and load age we are able to model stratal geometries in sedimentary basins that not only closely resemble stratigraphic observations, but do not require either long-term sea-level or sediment flux changes in order to explain them. Furthermore, power spectral studies of the Earth’s gravity field show that it is dominated at short wavelengths by the gravity effect of topography and its isostatic compensation and at long wavelengths by mantle dynamics where the switch-over between these mechanisms is governed by the strength of the lithosphere. Using flexural transfer functions and admittance equations we can move beyond Airy isostasy and remove the isostatic contribution of regional compensation to independently examine the global gravity field for flexural effects and the signature of mantle dynamics.
© Research Center for Earthquake Hazards.
© Research Center for Earthquake Hazards.